Latest news we hear is that Vijay Deverakondas Bollywood debut is going to be with Puri Jagan Karan Johar Ever since Bollywood debut of Vijay Deverakonda has been a hot topic there were reports that hotshot Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar will launch Vijay in Bollywood. And here comes the big update. Puri Jagannadh the director of Vijays soontocommence sports drama Fighter has inked a deal with Karan Johar to make Fighter a panIndian film. Actress Charmi whos producing Fighter along with Puri is the lady behind this crazy deal. Karan will be presenting the Hindi version. Fighter will be made in all the four South Indian languages along with Hindi. The project will be going on floors in early 2020. An official announcement regarding Karans association with the project will be out soon. Kiara Advani is rumored to be in talks to play the female lead in the movie. Latest news we hear is that Vijay Deverakondas Bollywood debut is going to be with Puri Jagan Karan Johar Ever since Bollywood debut of Vijay Deverakonda has been a hot topic there were reports that hotshot Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar will launch Vijay in Bollywood. And here comes the big update. Puri Jagannadh the director of Vijays soontocommence sports drama Fighter has inked a deal with Karan Johar to make Fighter a panIndian film. Actress Charmi whos producing Fighter along with Puri is the lady behind this crazy deal. Karan will be presenting the Hindi version. Fighter will be made in all the four South Indian languages along with Hindi. The project will be going on floors in early 2020. An official announcement regarding Karans association with the project will be out soon. Kiara Advani is rumored to be in talks to play the female lead in the movie.